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Pristine Productions  
You are here: home  > offers  > we are looking for Fiberglass Sanding Screen Abrasive Mesh

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Pristine Productions [United Kingdom]

Country/Region: United Kingdom

we are looking for Fiberglass Sanding Screen Abrasive Mesh  [United Kingdom]

Update Time: 2012-02-07
Valid to: Never Expired
Detailed Description: Dear Sir, Please send four samples of medium to coarse(rougher) black sheet at least 250mm square in size to this factory: For the attention of Gordon Styles (Managing Director), Star Prototypes, 15 Huam Mao 1 rd, Zhongshan Torch Development Zone, Guangdong Province, 528437. I can pay you immediately by HSBC bank transfer if you let me know the price. Please address the invoice to Pristine Productions and email asap. I give the Star website below as mine is under construction. This is urgent as a supplier has let us down and I am in Asia on a trip. Thanks, Peter Woolford
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Mr. Peter Woolford
Pristine Productions
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